Principal Academy and Childcare Centre
The Principal Academy and Childcare Centre’s Mission Statement reads, “Not just a safe and nurturing place for children to blossom into confident and innovative leaders of tomorrow, but also to lay a sound foundation for good environmental conscience and social citizenship.” The centre will offer a unique curriculum of STEAM and Montessori teaching combined with the arts and sports to develop well balanced individuals.

Principal Academy Childcare Centre is searching for a location in York Region from eastern Vaughan to the west , Newmarket to the north, and Markham to the east. The childcare centre requires a minimum of 4,500 square feet up to 6,500 square feet and an outdoor play area of a minimum of 2,500 square feet with direct access from the premises. Convenient adjacent parking for child drop-off and pick-up is a must. Sites must have zoning in place for daycare and private school facilities.

Ray Spiteri
Vice President,
Leasing/Consulting Salesperson
Tel: 416-716-6970