S&H Realty Corporation
Brokerage and Retail/Commercial Real Estate Consultants
S&H Realty Corporation, a registered Ontario real estate brokerage, are retail specialists for hospitals, transit hubs and public-sector clients, shopping centres, mixed-use properties and hospitality and restaurant venues. Our services are tailored to meet the needs and objectives for each project and client.
Contact Us
RBC Water Park Place
20 Bay Street, Suite 1100
Toronto, Ontario | M5J 2N8
Tel: 416-364-7810
Fax: 416-901-2666

Danny Klempfner
President – Broker of Record, CEO
Tel: 416-364-7810

Megan McGowan
Senior Vice President,
Retail Consulting and Leasing Salesperson
Tel: 416-209-2443

Ray Spiteri
Vice President,
Leasing/Consulting Salesperson
Tel: 416-716-6970